Thomas Little Photo Session

Photo’s of Olivia

Here is a small collection of shots i did of Olivia

Bridge Port

Here are a few shots from last weekend when me and my wife went for a walk around this little comunity.

More Puppies

Here you can see some of puppies that i shot last weekend. They are just to cute!!

Couple of spots left for a FREE Photo session

I have only a few more spots left for the promotion I’m doing for getting a free photo session.

If you have any questions or want to book an appointment feel free to contact me. Or check out my Facebook for some of my work.

Amanda & Ryan Engagement Photos Santa Monica

Here are the pictures of Amanda and Ryan on Saturday in Santa Monica

Little Munchkins Photo Shoot

I went over to the owner of and did another photo shoot of her adorable little dogs she has.
here are a few shoots of her dogs. This will be the second time i have taken photos of her doggies.